Structural Engineer

Urban Water Supply Schemes, Sewerage / Septage and Water Body Rejuvenation Schemes for Different ULBS Under Four Zone of Amrut 2.0
Application deadline closed.
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

1. With the rate of supply 70 lpcd and the design period of all components of the system 30 years is to be made.
2. The DPR should be prepared for the entire project area covering all habitations/ wards of the Urban Local Body where the project is to be implemented.
3. To undertake site visits, carryout necessary detailed survey & investigation, identify gaps in data & information interaction with Urban Local Body / Development Authority / Municipal Engineering Dte Officials, local people where ever necessary.
4. To assess the various water supply plans, system being taken up in the area & determine their interference & interaction with the proposed W/S system and sewerage / septage and water body rejuvenation schemes
5. Refer TOR for more details

Project Description

The objective of the study is for preparation of Detail Engineering & Design for the work “Urban Piped Water Supply Project urban water supply schemes, sewerage / septage and water body rejuvenation schemes for different urban local bodies under Four (04) Zone of AMRUT 2.0”

Screening Criteria 1
Post Graduation in Structural Engineering
Screening Criteria 2
10 years of relevant experience

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