Warehousing Expert

Preparation of Inception Report & Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Development of Multi Modal Logistics Park
Application deadline closed.
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

1. Understanding key needs for providing a hub for freight aggregation and disaggregation across multiple modes of transport along with storage space and value-added services, all within a single facility.
2. Infrastructure gap assessment and planning/design for road, rail, ports, air and inland waterways connectivity, as applicable.
3. Preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Multimodal Logistics Park at Udaipur and external trunk connectivity infrastructure (road and rail)
4. Market survey and demand assessment to understand quantum of potential demand.
5. Design of various options for master plan with services including facility planning.
6. Development of basic engineering design for the finalized master plan for the MMLP including detailed reconnaissance and topographical surveys.
7. Refer TOR for more details.

Project Description

‘Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Development of Multimodal Logistics Park at Udaipur in the State of Tripura and External Trunk Connectivity Infrastructure to the Multimodal Logistics Park site at Udaipur. The outputs of the study should be directly usable for bidding out development of a Multi-Modal Logistics Park. Necessary detailing of master plans, engineering design and drawings for MMLP and detailed engineering design and drawings for the external trunk connectivity infrastructure to MMLP comprising road and rail, needs to be carried out by consultant. Necessary stakeholder alignment and statutory clearances for the same will also need to be carried out by the consultant. Post completion of the assignment, the consultant will have to provide assistance to the client during the appointment process for the PPP concessionaire to address queries on the Feasibility Study Report/process/ business model.

Screening Criteria 1
Essential: Degree in Civil Engineering/ Planning/ Architecture or equivalent
Screening Criteria 2
Desirable: Post Graduate in Engineering/ Planning /Architecture/ Management
Screening Criteria 3
Total Professional Experience: Min. 12 years
Screening Criteria 4
Experience in design of large scale warehouses for infrastructure projects (IMLH/ Logistics Park/ Inland Container Depot/ Airport based Logistics Parks/ Air or Rail Cargo Terminals/ Port-based Logistics Parks/ Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ)/ Integrated Manufacturing Zone/ Industrial Parks (including SEZs)) with minimum size of 50 acres: Min. 10
Screening Criteria 5
Experience in advising in program management related to design of large scale warehouses in IMLH/ Logistics Park/ Inland Container Depot/ Airport based Logistics Parks/ Air or Rail Cargo Terminals/ Port-based Logistics Parks/ Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ)/ Integrated Manufacturing Zone/ Industrial Parks (including SEZs) with minimum size of 50 acres in similar capacity: Min. 2 projects.
Screening Criteria 6
Experience in preparation/ execution of large scale warehouses for infrastructure projects (IMLH/ Logistics Park/ Inland Container Depot/ Airport based Logistics Parks/ Air or Rail Cargo Terminals/ Port- based Logistics Parks/ Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ)/ Integrated Manufacturing Zone/ Industrial Parks (including SEZs)) in key positions outside India with minimum size of 50 acres: Min. 2 projects.
Screening Criteria 7
Age Limit: 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal

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