Job Description
1. Preparation of feasibility study for all the identified NFBR sources
2. Review of EOI/RFP, addendums, bid notice, bid documents etc and assist DMRC with publishing of the RFP/bid documents and assist DMRC in conducting bid process.
3. Media Engagement Assistance: To ensure healthy competition for the bids, assist DMRC through the preparation of presentations and media notes that may be used by the DMRC Public Relations team for engaging with the media.
4. Developing a marketing strategy, including digital marketing strategy, to promote the opportunity to the relevant bidder universe.
5. Support with organizing road shows, bidder engagements, create a database with prospective bidders for each opportunity.
6. Refer TOR for more details
Project Description
Public Transport project like Metro are capital and maintenance intensive, hence will not be financially sustainable only depending on Fare Box Revenues. Metro Rail Policy adopted by Govt. of India stipulates the exploitation of various alternate revenue sources and opportunities such as Advertising, commercial utilization of land around metro station premises, Transit Oriented Developments (ToD), value captured Tax/ financing, digital marketing etc.