Job Description
1. Support in design of project commitments to gender equality and social inclusion in the project’s (a) Project Administration Manual (PAM); (b) Poverty and Social Assessment; (c) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Action Plan; (d) Stakeholder Communications Strategy; and other, and ensure their effective implementation
2. Support the PMU to implement gender equality and social inclusion action plan (GESI/AP).
3. Help the PMU in meeting gender target of the project and gender and scheduled tribe (ST) targets of the GESI/AP.
4. Promote gender mainstreaming and social inclusion into project activities and project management tools, including tracking of gender equality and social inclusion results.
5. Assist the PMU in preparing report on implementation of GESI/AP, including to meet the requirement of gender as stipulated in the project Design and Monitoring Framework.
6. Leverage consultations, focus group discussions and engagement with women’s groups, ST groups and other vulnerable stakeholders to provide recommendations on how to best encourage them to participate in the project.
7. Document and promote best practices from gender equality and social inclusion related activities of the project.
8. Support establishment of disaggregated data, baselines, realistic targets and effective MIS and consolidate periodic monitoring reports on GESI/AP.
9. Conduct periodic site visits to SMOs, and requisite project and subproject sites to supervise the GESI/AP implementation.
10. Contribute inputs to PMDC to quarterly monitoring reports for project management and brief monthly summary reports highlighting potential and actual issues and recommending corrective measures for PMUs actions.
11. Review the adequacy and impact of project interventions on livelihood enhancement opportunities for women and STs and make suggestions accordingly. Ensure that environmental and climate change issues are an integral part of planning of all project supported schemes.
12. Be part of grievance redress cell and review types of grievance and the functioning of grievance redress mechanisms by reviewing appeals at all levels and interviewing aggrieved project affected persons.
13. Carry out other responsibilities as required from time to time as required by the PMU