Finance Expert

West Bengal Corridor study - Phase 2 - Finance Expert (54235-001)
Application deadline closed.
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

ADB support to update the Industrial Corridor Development Plan Study will cover following: (a) An
analysis on the possibility of developing a new node at Haldia-Tajpur using the same framework for
node/growth center used in the existing study and identification critical infrastructure gaps required
for activating the node (b) Update the list of priority projects including importance of using the
industry-urban-logistics skill growth center approach for the existing identified node in Andal-Panagarh
and also for border crossing points with Bangladesh as identified in the CDP, and border crossing points
with Nepal and Bhutan and Bangladesh centered around the main commercial hub at Siliguri.

Project Description
ADB had prepared a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) in 2020 for the development of West Bengal component of East Coast Economic Corridor (ECEC). This Overall Development Plan, at its core, provided a strategy for industrial development of the corridor influence area and the growth centers identified. It was an assessment of the existing infrastructure / policies / institutional frameworks present in West Bengal, which may be leveraged for corridor development. Additionally, it identified critical gaps to propose additional interventions required in the respective areas. The plan was coordinated with the overall development vision of the state, to ensure convergence with other development initiatives undertaken by the state.
Screening Criteria 1
"Post Graduate degree in Economics, Business Administration, Finance or related fields. Minimum of 10 years’ work experience."
Screening Criteria 2
Minimum General Experience: 12 Years
Screening Criteria 3
Minimum Specific Experience: 10 Years (relevant to assignment)
Screening Criteria 4
"Regional/ Country Experience: Required"

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