Institutional Development Expert

Manipur State Roads Improvement Program - C1 Consultancy Services
Application deadline closed.
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

1. Undertake a review of existing information including the, state/region/sector-level visions, policy and/or strategy papers, existing master plans and sector plans, other relevant studies etc.
2. Prepare a profile of the road transport sector in Manipur from available documents and consultations, including network characteristics and functions, land use patterns, regional linkages, origin-destination studies, demographic and socioeconomic data.
3. Collect existing data, as required, including ongoing projects, GIS database and maps, transport network, traffic volumes, and economic centres, from local, State and Central government departments/ agencies/ authorities, etc.
4. In case insufficient data is available with PIU or other Government Departments, the Consultant shall identify data gaps from any existing data collected
5. Develop a regional level transport model for network analysis for base year, horizon year (10-year period) and intermediate years, as required.
6. Refer TOR for more details

Project Description

The key objectives of the consultancy services are: (a) to prepare a road sector policy, strategy, strategic road connectivity investment and financing plan for a 10 year horizon for the state of Manipur with an overall review and assessment of the road network, identification of potential projects and prioritization of projects; (b) to prepare detailed engineering design and other project preparatory activities; (c) support institutional capacity building, restructuring of the executing and implementing agencies in project preparation, implementation; (d) facilitate the Client in the ensuing loan/project processing stage of work by undertaking as needed due diligences of economic and financial analyses, project procurement risk/ capacity assessment, environmental safeguards documentation including Initial Environment Examination (IEE), initial poverty and social analysis (IPSA), social safeguards documentation including Resettlement Plans / Due Diligence Reports, indigenous peoples plan (IPP), Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Action Plan (GESI AP), and assessment for resilience to climate risks / climate change impacts and disaster risks, as per relevant ADB – guidelines/ accepted formats and meeting ADB approval requirements; and (e) Identify an action plan for road safety and road maintenance.

Screening Criteria 1
Master's Degree in Finance or Business Administration or Engineering
Screening Criteria 2
15 years of experience in developing institutional development strategy studies for infrastructure sector
Screening Criteria 3
One institutional development strategy project with road sector agency funded by MDBs

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