Job Description
Phase-I for Assam
• Collection of all secondary data available in the state in relation to bamboo resource availability (including commercial availability) district-wise, and assessment and identification of potential availability of bamboo clusters through satellite imagery interpretation and classification of the same to forest and non-forest clusters, with support from GIS Analyst
• Collection of available satellite data related to land use, land cover, forest cover from relevant agencies including, Assam State Space Application Centre (ASSAC), North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) located in Meghalaya, Environment & Forest department of Assam, etc.
• Develop cluster maps for SBDA, Assam in GIS platform for future use and ground verification on species-wise availability especially for non-forest bamboo clusters
• Physical verification to minimum five clusters (non-forest) identified through satellite imagery interpretation in five districts to identify species, actual availability for commercial use, potential for cultivation etc. Carry out consultation with bamboo owners during cluster visit. The selection of clusters for physical verification to be done in consultation with SBDA, Assam
• Identify potential areas/ clusters in consultation with stakeholders for bamboo cultivation in Assam in GIS platform with support from Bamboo Sector Expert
• Assessment of farmer producer organizations (FPOs)/ farmer producer companies (FPCs) and other agencies dealing with bamboo cultivation in the state
• GIS Mapping of existing bamboo cultivation areas developed by SBDA, Assam and any other agencies including FPOs/ FPCs
• Produce all thematic maps in GIS platform and analysis reports in relation to bamboo resource mapping
• Any other task as assigned by the Client/ SBDA-PMU from time to time
Phase-II for NER States, excluding Assam
• Collection of all data available in the state level in relation to bamboo resource availability (including commercial availability) in the states, and assessment and identification of potential availability of bamboo clusters through satellite imagery interpretation and classification of the same to forest and non-forest clusters in the other NER states, with support from GIS Analyst5
• Collection of available satellite data related to land use, land cover, forest cover from relevant agencies including, State Space Application Centres, North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) located in Meghalaya, Environment & Forest departments of the states, State Bamboo Missions, etc.
• Develop bamboo cluster maps for states in GIS platform for future use and ground verification on species-wise availability
• Physical verification to minimum three clusters (non-forest) identified through satellite imagery interpretation per state to identify species, actual availability for commercial use, potential for cultivation etc. Carry out consultation with bamboo owners during cluster visit. The selection of clusters for physical verification to be done in consultation with state bamboo missions/relevant stakeholders
• Identify potential areas/ clusters in consultation with stakeholders for bamboo cultivation in states in GIS platform with Support from Bamboo Sector Expert
• Consolidated bamboo resource mapping report for NER states consolidating bamboo resource mapping study carried out in phase-I for Assam and phase-II for other NER states
• Any other task as assigned by the Client/ MIDH from time to time
Project Description
ADB is providing support to the SBDA, Assam through procurement of a consulting services package (a national consulting firm is to be recruited and administered by ADB adopting simplified consultant consultants’ qualifications selection–SCQS method and acting as Client for the assignment) to develop the backward and forward linkages for the proposed integrated bamboo park. Services of a consulting firm is sought to map the available bamboo resource in NER , study backward and forward linkages, study existing supply chain for bamboo resource, undertake value chain analysis and financial modelling of different components of the value chain at macro-level in context to existing and upcoming value chain, planning for skills development and employment generation impact and potential of the IBP along with a network of aggregation-cum-primary processing centres. The firm will also develop the project concept paper for ADB internal use for management approval purpose.