Job Description
The consultant will be responsible for all tasks related to social safeguards and will assist AUDA in implementing the APLIP in compliance with ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009 (SPS 2009) safeguards requirements 2 (involuntary resettlement) and 3 (indigenous peoples) and applicable government law and regulations. The consultant will need to prepare and/or update and finalize all social safeguard documents, oversee the implementation of resettlement plans and social safeguards measures proposed in the respective resettlement plans, carry out social safeguards monitoring measures. The consultant also be responsible for consultations and disclosure and grievance redress, and submission of social safeguards monitoring reports to ADB, and implementing any corrective actions as needed to ensure compliance. The consultant will also be responsible for preparation-monitoring-appraisal-evaluation of summary poverty reduction and social strategy (SPRSS), social impact categorization and other checklists. The consultant will prepare a gender-sensitive inclusive community awareness and participation plan (CAPP) for the project, within first quarter of Loan approval.