Job Description
• Assist Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA)/ World Skill Centre (WSC) and Government of Odisha in overall project planning, management, implementation of skill trainings with OSDA/WSC under OSDP (Odisha Skill Development Project).
• Develop industry engagement strategies to establish industry-cooperated training programs (i.e., short term training and customized training) in WSC and ITIs, which respond the skills needs in major industries in Odisha.
• Updating the data on Training and placement of the trained candidates and successful employment later on.
• Assist and coordinating in facilitating mobilization efforts in leveraging existing eco-system related to various training programs within Odisha State and by engaging industry partners for placement of the trained candidates.
• Support by establishing market/institute linkages and creating awareness and enthusiasm in the Odisha
state to ensure encouraged participation. Work towards the marketing campaigns of the project with relevant educational / other institutions and industry players, showcase the results and best practices, document the outcomes, and share with all stakeholders’ etc.
• Assist in providing all relevant data for the project execution (data from existing MIS related to
mobilized candidates, trained, and placed youth, details of salary points, geographies of operation etc.)
• Assist in finalizing and mobilization of suitable candidates by conducting community awareness events,
such as Activity based Workshops, Corporate Talks, and Success Stories etc to encourage increased participation; especially from women.
• Assist in establishing coordination with government institutions/departments as per the requirement.
• Assist in issuing guidance on the assessment, certification, evaluation procedures, reporting formats
and any other suitable monitoring tools.